Future Elements

Monday 27 - Thursday 30 May 2024

A four day-long workshop bringing together young people aged 11-14 to learn new skills and explore their talents culminating in the creation of a music video they devise - no previous experience required!

During Future Elements, young aspiring dancers, MCs, graffiti artists and music producers work intensively with professional music artists to write lyrics, produce music, choreograph routines, create artwork and shoot their very own music video, before it’s shown to the public at their very own film night and premiered on the Breakin' Convention YouTube channel!


Essential info

When does it take place?

Monday 27 - Thursday 30 May 2024, 11am-5pm. The creation of the video takes place during this time, where the video is planned, dances choreographed, lyrics written, beats made, and filmed. The Future Elements performance night takes place after.

When is the deadline?

Saturday 18 May at 6pm. You will be notified of your space on Monday 20 May.

What else do I get?

A free ticket to the premiere of the music video at Future Elements Night at Sadler’s Wells.

How much does it cost?

Participation is FREE.

What’s the catch?

There is no catch – but you must be able to commit to all dates of the project. Spaces are limited, so sign up early to avoid disappointment. Future Elements is open to UK applicants only.
